Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture

Facial acupuncture treatments bring out the most radiant, natural beauty of each individual by rebalancing the body’s basic constitutional needs, which in turn is reflected in the face. As a result, it enhances overall health and prevents excessive and premature aging while helping to maintain youth and beauty.
What is Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture?
It is a non-surgical approach that is effective in reducing the signs of aging. Using Traditional Chinese Medicine principles, sterile disposable hair-thin needles are used to stimulate energy flow at specific location and pathways on the face and body to bring out the most radiant, natural beauty of each individual by rebalancing the body’s basic constitutional needs, which in turn is reflected in the face.
As a result, it enhances overall health and prevents excessive and premature aging while helping to maintain youth and beauty. Based on Chinese Medicine principles acupuncture:
- • Brings blood to the face and improves circulation
- • Facilitates nutrient absorption
- • Enhance the metabolism of facial cells and stimulate their regeneration
- • Stimulate the lymphatic system to drain away toxins
- • Increase collagen production
- • Softens the skin
- • Improve facial muscle tone to reduce lines and wrinkles
- • Promotes normal secretion of oil and sweat glands
- • Promotes a natural glow or 'radiance' in the skin
Facial rejuvenation has been practiced for thousands of years in China. As early as the Sung Dynasty (960AD-1270AD), Acupuncture rejuvenation practices were employed for the Empress and the Emperor’s concubines. Chinese discovered and utilized ways to change the energy flow within the body to initiate the healing process for rejuvenation. It is still used today by many celebrities!
What are the effects of Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture?
Results of Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture will vary between individual but it can erase several years from your face. Patient can notice after just a few treatments:
- • Improved muscle and skin tone by due to collagen production and its dispersal
- • Reduced puffiness, bags and dark circles under the eyes and brighter eyes
- • Less tendency to sagging and jowls as well as reduced double chin
- • Reduced or no more fine lines or frown lines, and reduce larger wrinkles
- • Controlled acne due to hormone imbalances
- • Softer and tighter skin due to the increased circulation of blood and lymph to the face
- • A radiant glow with more even complexion
- • Lifted eyelids that were once droopy
* Acupuncture is covered under most medical health plans.
* Afraid of needles or unsure if acupuncture is right for you? Book a 10min. free consult with Christine so she can answer your questions and cast away those fears of needles!
(offered by Christine Ouellette)